Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Soil Carbon Regeneration in P4C May 08 2018

Soil Carbon Regeneration
May 08 2018 Uncategorized 0 Comments
The current economic system is unsustainable. By buying subsidised supermarket food you are supporting wars, land grabs, deforestation, mass extinctions and climate change. One consequence of agricultural subsidies is that they encourage people to support corporate food producers and so, small scale sustainable food producers struggle or fail.
Australia needs a BBQ that creates Biochar and reduces Bushfire Waste, eg – see below
Soil Building
Adding high carbon organic matter such as composted chipped wood can benefit damaged or poor soils in the short term if the conditions for stabilising that carbon are not met.
Turning some of that wood chip to biochar before adding it to the soil or by using it in a mulch is one way of stabilising it whilst generating heat from the pyrolisis process.
Encouraging AMF to proliferate through minimum dig and having plant roots present will result in increased glomalinproduction, another form of stabilised carbon.
Using biochar, glomalin and other methods to optimise soil aggregate formation will result in a soil structure which resists drought and flooding and which holds onto the other soil organic matter.
We are all responsible for meeting our own needs. We have allowed corporate control of our food and energy supplies to lead us to the brink of complete environmental collapse, we have to reclaim power. Forget worrying about where we get our Electricity and Fuel. Correct the now. Choosing the Throwaway Society can be fixed in an instant. Bunning are selling a Battery Light for $4. When the battery runs out, it is designed to be thrown away – all the un-recyclable and noxious parts.

by Allan Niass

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